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The novel has also been published under the titles Memoirs from the House of The Dead, Notes from the Dead House (or Notes from a Dead House), and Notes from the House of the Dead. The book is a loosely-knit collection of facts, events and philosophical discussion organised by \"theme\" rather than as a continuous story. Dostoevsky himself spent four years in exile in such a camp following his conviction for involvement in the Petrashevsky Circle. This experience allowed him to describe with great authenticity the conditions of prison life and the characters of the convicts\"--Wikipedia, January 15, 2020.", "@language": "eng" } ], "http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/w/P10218": [ { "@id": "http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n80001203" } ], "http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/w/P10219": [ { "@value": "1862", "@language": "eng" } ], "http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/w/P10223": [ { "@value": "Zapiski iz mertvogo doma", "@language": "rus" } ], "http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/w/P10256": [ { "@value": "Siberia (Russia)--Fiction" }, { "@value": "Prisons--Russia (Federation)--Siberia--Fiction" }, { "@value": "Prisoners--Russia (Federation)--Siberia--Fiction" }, { "@value": "Exiles--Russia (Federation)--Siberia--Fiction" } ], "http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/w/P10331": [ { "@value": "Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881. Zapiski iz mertvogo doma", "@language": "rus" } ], "http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/w/P10332": [ { "@value": "Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881. Записки из мертвого дома", "@language": "rus" }, { "@value": "Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881. Записки изъ мертваго дома", "@language": "rus" }, { "@value": "Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881. 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