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Wesselmann, Corinna Michels, and Alison Slaughter -- Social ostracism as a factor motivating interest in extreme groups / Kipling D. Williams, Andrew H. Hales, and Corinna Michels -- About flames and boogeyman : social norms affect individuals' construal of social exclusion / Rainer Greifeneder and Selma C. Rudert -- Exclusion and its impact on social information processing / Heather M. Claypool and Michael J. Bernstein -- Dealing with social exclusion : an analysis of psychological strategies / Susanna Timeo, Paolo Riva, and Maria Paola Paladino -- How self-talk promotes self-regulation : implications for coping with emotional pain / Ariana Orvell and Ethan Kross -- Hurt feelings : physical pain, social exclusion, and the psychology of pain overlap / Laura J. Ferris -- Physiostracism : a case for non-invasive measures of arousal in ostracism research / Ilja van Beest and Willem Sleegers -- Observing ostracism : how observers interpret and respond to ostracism situations / Selma C. Rudert and Rainer Greifeneder -- Workplace ostracism : what's it good for? / Sandra L. Robinson and Kira Schabram -- Moralization as legitimization for ostracism : effects on intergroup dynamics and social cohesion / Susanne Täuber -- Rejection sensitivity as a determinant of well-being during reentry / Michael J. 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